Colour Blind is an investigation of white guilt and a demand for racial equality. It reminds the viewer to see a person for who they are in a hypercritical society, asking: ‘If you don’t see the colour of my skin, how can you see me? If you don’t see a person’s colour, then how do you see the struggles that black and brown people have been through?’
When I walked with ‘People Dem Collective’ I was overcome by the feeling of being proud of my heritage. I found security in the urge to protest and comfort in being around people who I can call my own.
 This was my first professional exhibition, a step into what can often feel like an inaccessible art world.
Me and Local Margate Print Maker Charlie Boyce
Pre-Screen Print Digital Graphic Illustrations
(3 Pieces)
Screen Print formatted Digital Graphic Illustra
(3 Pieces)
Screen Print Canvas Blocks
(3 Pieces)
Screen Print Video Process
Promotional Exhibition Video
Colour Blind Open Exhibition Curated Space
Local Newspaper Article.
Newspaper Article Entry Feature.
Community Activist Experience
Black Lives Matter March At Margate, Kent 
(07 June 2020)
Recoloured Digital Version Of Chaos ( Finished in 2021)
Recoloured Digital Version Of Black Panther ( Finished in 2021)
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